We transform individuals and teams by building the mindsets and skills needed for everyone to thrive.

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Our mindsets, skills and behaviours, shape...

our relationships | our wellbeing | our careers | our leadership | our families | our communities | our world | EVERYTHING

We believe everyone wants to have a positive impact in their personal and professional lives

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But the vast majority of us haven't fully developed the mindsets, knowledge and skills to make this a reality.
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The Change Collab helps you do the inner and outer work so you can create positive change at home, in the workplace and the wider community. We believe you deserve it and that humanity desperately needs it.

We offer a range of transformative education, training and coaching services to amplify your capability to create meaningful change and have a positive impact in all spheres of your life.

We help you: 

  • Build authentic, high-trust relationships
  • Become your best self to elevate your impact
  • Boost personal and collective wellbeing
  • Inspire and engage others effectively
  • Foster a culture of trust, empathy and accountability
  • Break down barriers to create thriving environments
  • Play your part in creating an equitable world.

If you're an impact - and purpose-driven individual, team, or organisation, The Change Collab is here - and super excited - to support you on your journey of transformational personal and professional growth, enabling you to positively impact others and create meaningful change.

Proud to serve:

Helping people have a positive impact in all spheres of their life through:

Courses and Programs

Whether through flexible self-paced courses or specialised hybrid programs designed for specific audiences, our offerings adapt to your schedule and goals. Our courses and programs enable you to translate newfound knowledge and skills into tangible results, fostering lasting growth and success.


We offer interactive and practical workshops, available both online and in-person, covering a range of topics designed to enhance the abilities of individuals and teams to create positive impact and foster environments where all can thrive. Our workshops are designed to be relevant for all industries and audiences.


An expert on building the capabilities to enact change, Chantelle’s talks unleash the audience’s aspiration for transformation and provide clear, actionable steps everyone can implement to have a positive impact in all spheres of their lives. Chantelle has spoken to audiences worldwide and is available for both in-person and virtual engagements. 


Personalised support and guidance for individuals and teams who want to level up their impact and foster thriving environments in all spheres of life. Together, we'll navigate challenges, unlock potential, and create impactful actions for enduring success.


Specialising in both L&D and organisational development, we provide tailored advice, support and strategic insights. We'll help optimise your learning initiatives and workplace culture to drive organisational growth, wellbeing and success.

What our clients are saying about us

"I appreciate all that you have shared with us throughout the program and how you have engaged us all. I take away from this experience an acute awareness of my own biases and how they can be evident in my practice. I also take away courage to speak up and not accept poor behaviour when it comes to human rights and respect."
(Program participant, Koolkan Aurukun State School)
"Chantelle is a rare talent. Her deep knowledge, coupled with impressively crafted facilitation, so engaged our staff that they left sessions energized, enlightened, and ready to apply lessons learned."
(Andrea, Head of school, Canada)
"I have worked with Chantelle, on a range of L&D projects, for a number of years. Her course design and warm presentation style achieves the balance of being engaging and interactive whilst also being challenging to the point of transformational. Her content enables cognitive and emotional understanding of tough social issues but also addresses underlying beliefs and unconscious bias to ensure that inner and outer change and development is long lasting and wide reaching."
(Miriam, Lecturer, CQU)
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives
Jackie Robinson

Why should you work with The Change Collab?

In today's rapidly changing VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment, individuals and teams face increasing demands, from navigating workplace challenges like burnout and ineffective communication to addressing personal and social issues. The world is asking so much of us, making it critical that we sharpen our capability to not only survive but to also thrive in our personal and professional lives. The Change Collab understands this urgency.

We provide practical and relevant learning and development (L&D) programs that enhance the capabilities of individuals and teams by strengthening the mindsets, skills, and knowledge necessary to positively impact themselves, others, and society. Our holistic and human-centred approach equips you to thrive in dynamic environments and enact transformative change in your personal and professional life.
When you work with us you experience transformative outcomes such as enhanced emotional intelligence, effective communication, and improved relationships. Whether you're seeking to navigate conflict more effectively or foster positive wellbeing, we're here to help you make it happen.

Ready to unlock your potential for positive impact? Explore our services or contact us to learn more about how we can support you in supercharging your personal and professional growth so you can have a positive impact at home, work and in the wider community. 
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Meet our Founder

Chantelle Kohn

Chantelle is an expert facilitator, educator and change catalyst with 15 years experience in designing and facilitating personal and leadership development for multiple sectors, across various countries. She is passionate about helping others develop their capability to have a positive impact and play their role in transforming our homes, workplaces and world into a place where all can thrive. 

Elevate Your Wellbeing: Download Your Free Emotional Intelligence Guide Now!

By downloading this free guide you will learn to:

  • Strengthen your emotional awareness: understand and manage your emotions to improve your mental health and resilience.
  • Enhance your relationships: cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections through empathy and effective communication.
  • Boost your overall wellbeing: Implement practical strategies that promote emotional balance and growth in both your personal and professional life.
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